Monday, August 24, 2015

LTISD Teachers Give BIG!!

No matter what campus you dropped your child off to this morning, no doubt you were challenged by traffic, new drivers, and the stress of the first day of a new school year.  No matter how drop off went, I can be sure that one of the first things you will ask when they get home shortly is, "do you like your teacher(s)"?  I hope the great majority of you will get an enthusiastic "YES!".  Teachers and staff at LTISD have been working incredibly hard to get ready for our kids this year.  Each one is ready to make a big difference in the life of not only your child, but dozens of others this year.  In fact, they already have!

The LTEF / LTISD Employee Giving Campaign just wrapped up and over 55% of LTISD employees became friends of the Foundation pledging over $27,600 in one time gifts and monthly pledges for 2015-2016!

These amazing teachers and staff are giving to all of our kids in every way possible!  Be sure to thank them next time you see one wearing our blue lanyard, or sporting a butterfly sticker on their door. They are building bright ideas - join them by clicking here!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Back to School Golfing??

The big box stores are all stocked and ready for kids and parents to descend upon them with lists of "must-haves" for the new school year.  I don't know about you, but as a young child this was my favorite time of year - a new pair of shoes, a new pencil box and a cool new backpack that I was just sure would propel me to super awesome social status.  As a parent it might be the polar opposite - a giant dent in the monthly budget and a fight in the store over whether or not he really needs the name brand glue stick and why does he need eight of them anyway, is enough to make us dread this trip.  I have a solution.  Just go shopping online, have them all delivered to your door and instead take the time and energy spent discerning the difference between highlighter colors and register Fore the Kids golf tournament!  Ok, admittedly that might be a stretch, but I'm just saying that you can support your child, and her classmates, by playing golf.   And that's arguably more relaxing than a trip to Target to sit and wait for her to pick out the coolest spiral notebook with the best cats on the front.  Better yet, do both.  Totally in for Parent of the Year.  It will make up for that time you forgot to pick him up from school.  Oh wait, that was me.  But you know what I mean.  So tell her to get her shoes on and while you wait for her to finish texting her friends to find out what backpack she has to have, sign up for a great day of golf that supports her school.  Here's the link - do it now and we'll see you on November 11th.  By then most of the bruises on the back of your heels where he ran into you with the cart should have healed.  Happy shopping!